What Does Kansas Statute Chapter 23 Say About Child Support?

Ask a child support attorney based in Sublette, KS and serving Garden City, KS

Kansas Statute Chapter 23 gives the court authority to make child support decisions based on the child's best interests. But that doesn't necessarily mean parents are powerless. An experienced child support attorney based in Sublette, KS and serving Garden City, KS can help you fight for the financial assistance you need.

Joseph T. Welsh, Attorney at Law is an advocate for parents in family law matters. Because he's familiar with Kansas child support law, attorney Welsh can...

  • Determine whether you need to enter a child support order in your divorce
  • Explain why you can't waive a child support award
  • Answer any questions you might have during the proceedings

Call 620-510-5030 now to learn more about your rights under Kansas Statute Chapter 23.