Divorce is never a pleasant experience. Not only are you dealing with a broken relationship, but now you have to go through the emotional hurdles of finding a way to divvy up assets, establish a custody agreement, and deal with any outstanding debt from the marriage.
And you don’t want to make this process even more complicated by trying to get a cheap divorce.
Granted, you’re going to see ads all over the internet promising a quick, cheap divorce. That can certainly sound tempting as you start pondering your new life after marriage. After all, by now all you want is to get this divorce behind you so you can move on. This might sound like the ideal plan, but the reality is that faster and cheaper isn’t always better – especially when it comes to a divorce.
In fact, what seems like a cheap divorce now might cost you a lot more of your precious financial resources in the end. Learn why you don’t want to take that risk.
Can You Miss Important Issues With a Cheap Divorce?
Typically, the cheaper and faster the divorce, the more basic it is. In many instances, these types of divorces don’t even cover all the major issues such as division of property, child support, custody arrangements, and outstanding debts. Instead, couples are expected to handle these issues on their own and outside the legal bounds of the divorce proceedings.
The reality, however, is that if you can’t work these issues out during the divorce, you’ll have an even harder time working them out after the divorce. In addition, you could still be liable for mutual assets and debts, if these are not explicitly dealt with in the divorce.
You could also find yourself spending a lot more money trying to tackle some of these issues, such as child custody, after the divorce is over. While you may be in a hurry to get divorced, you could jeopardize your personal and financial future by settling for a cheap divorce.
Are There Risks in Being Too Quick to Agree to a Divorce?
A major problem with cheap divorces is that the person is in such a hurry to get a divorce that they start agreeing to things without consideration of the potential consequences. It makes sense that you want to get divorced as soon as possible but making small concessions now could affect your personal and financial life for years to come.
For example, if your cheap divorce doesn’t include anything about child custody, you may find yourself fighting with your ex over who gets the kids, and when, for years to come. Decisions you make during your divorce proceedings can also affect your finances — well into your retirement.
Will a Cheap Divorce Mean a Lack of Details on Your Case?
A common issue with cheap divorces is that they lack crucial details. For example, a fast divorce may simply list a specific dollar amount for child support but nothing else in terms of other crucial information. Some of the details that may be missing could include what happens when the kids turn 18, does the child support increase along with the cost of living, and which parent will cover medical expenses.
Without that kind of information specifically listed in the divorce decree, it’s up to each party to interpret the terms of the divorce and how it applies to their situation. That leaves a lot of details open to interpretation. It’s highly likely that at least some of these issues will cause problems further down the road. It’s best to take the time to file a proper divorce that covers all the necessary details.
Why It’s Important to Want High Standards for your Divorce
Going through a divorce is never easy, but if it’s done right, once it gets finalized you will be able to breathe more easily and move on with your life. And your best chance of having your interests fully represented in a divorce proceeding is through the representation of an experienced divorce attorney.
While you might feel like you’re in a hurry to get your divorce over with, you don’t want the effects of an inexpensive but rushed divorce to follow you for the rest of your life. Getting legal representation now can ensure your current and future interests are protected.
Kansas Divorce Lawyer Available to Help
Kansas attorney Joseph T. Welsh understands the importance of having a firm negotiator to protect your parental rights and property so that your interests are protected during a divorce. He has extensive experience with arbitration and mediation in and out of the courtroom. Contact his office today at (620) 510-5030 for a free consultation to assess your current divorce situation and discuss what you hope to accomplish.