When you go the DMV, take the driving test, and get your license, you not only gain the privilege to drive but also the responsibility to do so safely. The fact of the matter is, however, that no matter how adamant you are about safe driving, the possibility of being in a car accident remains.
For someone who may have never been in one before, the rush of emotions can be overwhelming and temporarily cloud your judgment. Be sure to stay level-headed and take the following steps immediately after your Kansas car wreck.
Check on the Other Driver
Before you do anything else, you should check on the wellbeing of the other driver if you’re physically able. If you notice that they are unresponsive or severely injured, call the paramedics to the scene of the accident. If injuries are minor or nonexistent, you should start documenting the scene by taking pictures of:
- Vehicular damage
- Skid marks
- Street signs
- The positioning of the vehicles involved
- The license plate of the vehicle(s) involved
If it is a hit-and-run accident, take note of the vehicle’s make, model, color, and the direction they fled, and call law enforcement immediately. Do not chase the other driver.
Notify Law Enforcement
Having a police report of the accident is essential if you plan on reporting the incident to your insurer. In minor accidents, there are those who will suggest that you do not get the police or insurance involved and handle the matter via verbal agreement.
If you agree to do this, not only do you run the risk of never receiving compensation from the other driver, but he or she may decide to ultimately report the accident which can make it seem as if you are responsible for a hit-and-run.
Protect yourself by notifying law enforcement after any motor vehicle accident, regardless of severity or presumed fault.
Exchange Personal Information
The next step is to exchange personal information with the other party involved. Be sure to collect their:
- Name
- Address
- License number
- Vehicle registration
- Insurance information
- Full vehicle description
Although law enforcement will likely collect this information when they arrive, it is important for you to have it as well for when you report the accident to your insurance company.
Seek Witnesses
As you wait for the police to arrive, seek out witnesses who may have seen what transpired before, during, or after the accident. When speaking with a witness, be sure to avoid obscuring his or her recollection of the crash by detailing what you believed occurred or whose fault you think it is. Simply get their contact information and provide it to the police.
When law enforcement arrives, record their names, department, and badge numbers; the more details you have the better if litigation becomes a necessity.
Secure Legal Representation
After seeking medical attention for any possible injuries, waste little time in securing the legal services of Southwest Kansas car accident attorney Joseph T. Welsh. He is an experienced personal injury lawyer who dedicates his time and efforts to helping injured parties secure fair compensation for all accident-related damages.
Joe can engage in negotiation with the insurance company, push for a settlement that accurately compensates you, and serve as your legal representation in the court of law if necessary. Contact Joseph T. Welsh, Attorney at Law today at (620) 510-5030 for a free case evaluation.