Being involved in an accident is never a positive experience, and it’s especially difficult when it was caused by a drunk driver. As a result of their reckless behavior, motorists are often needlessly injured by those who disrespect the rules of the road and ultimately the other drivers on the highway.
Those who suffer serious injuries in such an accident will obviously be transported to a medical center after emergency medical technicians answer the 911 call, but there are still others who are involved in a collision with a drunken driver who might not initially realize they’ve been injured as well. These victims are normally required to stay at the scene unless vehicle damage is nominal and there are no apparent injuries. When vehicles can be driven away and there are no visible injuries, it’s acceptable to exchange insurance information and depart.
However, legal professionals recommend taking several steps if you’ve been involved in a car accident with a drunk driver.
Why It’s Important to Call Police Right After an Accident
Accidents of any significance should be subjected to a police inspection so the drivers can be given an official accident report. That report will be critical in determining who is ultimately found to be at fault. Injuries that a driver or passenger do not experience right away can easily manifest themselves later, and many times this actually happens to unsuspecting victims. Whiplash and other internal injuries are chief among these injury occurrences, and having a police report will be important when claiming financial compensation for property damage and for covering your medical expenses.
Why It’s Important to Answer Car Accident Questions Carefully
Even when you’ve been in an accident with a driver who has been drinking, you could be found partially at fault due to comparative negligence. If the opposing driver was indeed over the legal limit for alcohol consumption, this could make for a much stronger accident case on your behalf. Ultimately this fact also gives you a much better chance of recovering financial compensation for all your damages, both in terms of your vehicle and your outstanding medical bills.
The most important thing to remember is to not embellish your answers when questioned by police officers — and never admit fault for causation. Your responses could be reflected in the accident report that will become part of the official record.
Why You Should Seek Medical Attention After an Accident
It’s always important to seek medical attention as soon as possible after an accident, even if you don’t think you were injured. Keep copies of any medical diagnosis or prognosis you get from the hospital or your physician since an attorney can use that information when evaluating and crafting your case for financial compensation. Any injury could result in general damages because even mental anguish can be a component of an injury claim against a drunk driver.
Contact an Experienced Kansas Car Accident Attorney
It’s important to avoid handling an accident case against a drunk driver on your own, because it will almost certainly require the skills that an experienced car accident attorney can bring to the case. Always call a proven attorney like Joseph T. Welsh for aggressive and comprehensive representation.
Joseph T. Welsh, Attorney at Law has invaluable experience representing car accident victims to help them receive the relief they need to get on the road to recovery. Joseph Welsh is an advocate of the people and treats his clients as such by putting their future well-being first. Let Joseph Welsh help you file your claim today and put his many years as a Kansas U.S. District Court attorney to work for you. He will help you get the results you need to move on with your life and begin healing. Contact our office at (620) 510-5030 for a free case evaluation.