The rate of divorce is very high in Kansas and throughout the United States. If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, understand that you’re not alone. Unfortunately, divorce can take a long time to complete, and may even take years. It is an emotionally-challenging experience for all parties involved, especially children.
How Long Does a Divorce Take?
No one wants to get stuck in a long divorce proceeding, but many divorce cases never seem to end. Everyone’s main question is why? In most instances, both parties want the divorce to be over quickly, but it doesn’t work out that way. It does help to get the assistance of an experienced divorce attorney to move the process along while protecting your best interests.
If you’re wondering why divorce takes so long to finalize in Kansas, there are generally five main reasons.
Emotions Run High
The single biggest reason divorce takes so long is because of the emotions of the parties involved. Divorce can obviously develop into a highly emotional situation, one that can become even more so if your marriage resulted in children. It doesn’t matter who filed for divorce since both parties’ emotions get in the way. The one who filed for the divorce may want things to be over with as quickly as possible — but on their terms. It doesn’t always work out that way. The only way for a divorce to go faster is if both parties keep their emotions in check.
The Court System is Complex
Divorce laws in many states involve what is known as a “cooling off” period. This means a married couple must be separated for a specific period of time before being able to file for divorce. In some cases, the law may require the couple to wait for a certain period of time after filing papers before a divorce is finalized. In other cases, there may be a delay because of the court or judge’s schedule. A hearing date may be set in a divorce, but the hearing doesn’t take place until the schedule is clear.
Working with Divorce Attorneys
Divorce attorneys may take a longer time to work, which may make the divorce take a longer amount of time as well. But that’s not a bad thing. They want to ensure they get all the facts and investigate any matters that require further exploration. Your lawyer wants to do the best possible job representing you in your divorce, which requires them to be thorough.
Finances can certainly tie up a divorce and cause delays. One party may be hesitant to provide their financial information or may be hiding money or assets. The couple may also have assets that need valuation by an expert or have a financial situation that is complex, which can also prolong the divorce.
Parties Butting Heads
In some cases, there may be a deliberate delay in the divorce by one or both parties. There may be various reasons for this. Sometimes, a party might push for unreasonable terms. Other times, the parties clash over child custody, visitation, and support. Whatever the reason, parties who have trouble cooperating will take longer to complete a divorce.
Finding Ways to Cope With a Long Divorce
Going through a divorce is never easy. Although it may take a long time, once it is finalized, you will be able to breathe easily and move on with your life. And it should be clear that your best chance of having your interests fully represented in a divorce proceeding is through the representation of an experienced divorce attorney.
Kansas Divorce Lawyer Available to Help
Kansas attorney Joseph T. Welsh understands the importance of having a firm negotiator to protect your parental rights and property so that your interests are protected during a divorce. Joseph T. Welsh, Attorney at Law has extensive experience with arbitration and mediation in and out of the courtroom. Contact his office today at (620) 510-5030 for a free consultation to assess your current divorce situation and discuss what you hope to accomplish.